Skoo Walker, Arthur Miller, and Pete Jansons discuss the email Pete sent out 8-10-21 which asked for feedback on the Lake Forest Caucus Committee

Problem: It’s becoming harder to find volunteers for the Lake Forest Caucus Committee. (Voting residents of Lake Forest) Invitations to participate are being turned down. No Volunteers means no Caucus committee.


It’s Political with a liberal bent, its groupthink, “Boys Club”, Clique, and “Insiders Only” They don’t know what it is, and Current Caucus Committee members cannot overcome objections while explaining what the Caucus is.

Objection #1:

t’s Political with a liberal bent, it’s groupthink, “Boys Club”, Clique, and “Insiders Only”

Possible Reasons:

The LFCC Executive Committee (LFCCEC) is formed by the LFCC President selecting who she wants for Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraising Chair, External Communications, Internal Communications, and the 4 ward chairmen. The Vice President from the prior year automatically becomes the President. It could be perceived that the president can surround herself with people she knows and likes. LFCC members are presented with a list of LFCCEC members to vote on in March with no information LFCC is a 3-year term for first-year LFCC members who don’t want to “make waves” and vote with who the LFCCEC puts on the card. LFCC is a PAC and the LFCC including the LFCCEC cannot explain what it is The current LFCCEC President and Vice President are not held to the same attendance standard as the LFCC. School Board Candidates were determined by a Task      Force selected by the President versus letting the entire LFCC presenting candidates. Cannot      afford to make donations (2020 Caucus Committee was asked to donate and      would be recognized in front of the Caucus Committee)


The LFCC Executive Committee should be vetted by the LFCC. The LFCC should have a nomination process for all positions in LFCCEC. Determine interest within LFCC for each position to be nominated Nominees are vetted by LFCC LFCC Nominates candidates to be on the election in March Positions that handle money should be additionally vetted (Treasurer and Fundraising Chair)

Objection #2: The LFC (residents and small businesses) don’t know what the LFC  or LFCC is and LFCC members cannot overcome objections while explaining what the Caucus is.

Possible Reasons:

Resources are put on dealing with situations after the fact versus preventing them (education public on LFCC process versus spending on lawn signs) There is no onboarding process for members Bylaws have not been updated for 3 months. Cannot explain why it’s a PAC The Lake Forest Caucus (The voting residents of Lake Forest) do not understand the selection process, for example, one candidate on the “Let’s Do Better” Slate wanted to pitch in and be on the School Board and didn’t know about the Process


  • More Scrutiny and oversight to External and Internal Communications
  • Funds/Marketing for prevention vs Contest Elections.

Have an idea for a topic or get  pete@lakeforest

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