Joe Severino for Illinois 10th Congressional District

Pete Jansons first heard about Joe Severino when Joe spoke up at the last #115 School Board Meeting.
Let’s learn about Lake Forest’s own Joe Severino for Congress
Joseph (Joe) Severino, a resident of Lake Forest and Greek Orthodox Christian, is happily married to wife Nichole for 18 years. Together they have raised five children (Carmen, Joey, Alexa, Isabella, Arianna). Joe recently celebrated his 26th year in business as a hospitality service leader and is proud to have employed thousands of individuals over his career. The call to service is natural for Joe. In fact, while running his business, Joe went to law school and passed the California “Baby” bar exam for first year law students. Still looking to accomplish more, Joe applied and was accepted to Harvard Business School’s prestigious OPM program. There he studied and graduated with 177 global leaders representing 38 countries. His greatest passion is giving back to the community. Joe started his company with a $1,000 loan from his father and has expertly navigated opportunities. Joe’s mission is to take that experience and create similar opportunities in the district. Joe understands the American dream and his grandparents were immigrants from Greece and Italy, and his father was a Teamster union business organizer for 30 years.
PRO-LIFE Joe is Pro-life and a believer in the sanctity of life in all stages. Joe would sign the born alive bill that would compel healthcare workers to render healthcare to any baby that survives an abortion.
2ND AMENDMENT Joe supports the second amendment and will fight to prevent illegal use of guns, as well as to take guns out of criminal hands.
FREE SPEECH Joe believes all voices should be heard as free speech is guaranteed by the first amendment in our constitution. Currently there is an effort to stymie and quiet the speech of anyone other than radical ideologists. Additionally, Joe is against the anti-Semitic climate that is growing in America.
POLICE REFORM Joe believes in police reform and opposes defunding police. Police should be better trained and governed with accountability, and they should patrol the communities in which they live. A police officer should feel free to report wrongdoing or abuse of power without fear of retaliation. Further, any officer who refrains from reporting wrongdoing should be terminated and logged in a national database to reinvigorate trust in policing.
EQUAL RIGHTS Joe believes in equal rights for all.
IMMIGRATION Joe believes in creating a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants that currently reside here. In addition, Joe believes in encouraging legal immigration which has made us a culturally rich nation.
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