Lake Forest Podcast #36 5-5-21: It’s a Lake Forest Caucus Committee Process Issue not a People Issue

Lake Forest Caucus Committee Bylaws page

Not knowing the bylaws because you cant find them on the Lake Forest Caucus Website is a barrier

Pete and Skoo clear up mistakes (remember we aren’t Caucus or City Government Experts) from Friday’s show as well as offer up suggestions on how The Executive Caucus Committee can help not have the perception of a friends club or groupthink.

Before the Friday show, Pete asked the President of the Caucus Kim Pfahl how The Executive Committee was picked,

1) “You raise your hand saying you have an interest”

2) “You go through mentorship for a year”

3) “It’s really up to the President and Vice President to decide because it is really their executive committee they want to have and how they want to do it” The answer Pete was given led him to that conclusion of Group Think and Friends Club

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE IS VOTED ON Pete got that wrong. Pete should have said that the Members who are put on the Ballot for Executive Committee are not vetted or voted on by the Caucus Committee.

The Executive Caucus Committee Candidate’s merits were never discussed before the Spring Meeting nor were their qualifications discussed or voted on to be placed on the ballot. Pete never heard anything in his Ward meetings regarding Mentorships, nor was asked if he was interested.

Part of the confusion stems from the bylaws not being updated on the Lake Forest Caucus website. (It’s a dead page)  Pete was reading the 2016 Bylaws.  Here is a clip someone sent us from the updated bylaws in 2020

Section 4.03 Election. Candidates for Officer positions shall be recommended annually for office by the current Executive Committee from among the members in good standing of the Caucus Committee and shall be presented for election at the Spring Meeting.

Does this appear to let the Influence of the Executive Board continue in perpetuity unless the officers are challenged in the one-hour Spring meeting? This gives the perception of a closed vote to be on the Ballot.

It’s a process problem.