Scott Spires Author “Abandon all Hope”

Lake Bluff resident Scott Spires novel “Abandon All Hope” is coming out soon and he came on the show to tell us all about it. We will update the links as the book hits the market.
HerHere”s some info to “wet your whistle” 
Scott Spires is a writer, a translator, and a nomad at heart. Born in India, he has since enjoyed a transatlantic life, living in the United States, Argentina, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, and Russia. He studied linguistics and Slavic languages at the universities of Chicago, St. Andrews, and Oxford, and works as a translator from Russian and German into English. Currently he lives just north of Chicago in charming and bucolic Lake Bluff, a few minutes walk from Lake Michigan.
As a writer, he has an extensive publication record, which includes academic articles on linguistics, as well as articles on such diverse subjects as the Czech beer industry, the New Urbanist movement in America, minority languages in Russia, and many others. His literary side is manifested in numerous book reviews and short stories. Abandon All Hope is his first novel.
Set in Chicago in 1998 when Clinton was in office, the story evokes such 1990s classics as High Fidelity and Fight Club, our two antiheroes struggle against unsympathetic employers, uncomprehending relatives, meaningless jobs, romantic frustration, and social isolation, all while searching for a life of meaning and purpose, each in his own way. Abandon All Hope is a comic novel of ideas that asks the questions: How do you make your way in a world where stability is illusory, fraud and lies are ubiquitous, and happiness is always elusive? Should you be a realist or an idealist? And how’s life working out for you, anyway?
Hot off the presses!!! The book is out!!!
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