Kara Zupkus with Young America’s Foundation

from Young America’s Foundation and ex YAF Group Sponsor Patrice McDermand join Lori Fitzgerald and Pete Jansons to talk about the YAF Club at Lake Forest High School being canceled. Comments? Ideas for a guest/topic? pete@lakeforestpodcast.com Kara Zupkus BioKara is the spokeswoman for Young America’s Foundation.

Kara became involved with Young America’s Foundation her freshman year at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where she studied Political Science and Journalism. She served on the chapter’s executive board for four years and successfully hosted Ben Shapiro at a standing-room-only lecture amid controversy while serving as GW YAF co-president her senior year.

The chapter also hosted Sen. Rick Santorum, Steve Forbes, Marc Thiessen, Sen. Rand Paul, Christina Hoff Sommers, and Bay Buchanan in addition to the 9/11: Never Forget Project, Freedom Week, Ask YAF, and Cemetery of the Innocents activism events.

During her time at GW, Kara interned with YAF’s National Journalism Center at NBC News’s Washington Bureau. Kara also worked at the Washington Examiner and the American Action Network before joining YAF’s national headquarters staff. Kara has been profiled in Newsweek as a “young, diverse conservative star progressives need to fear.”

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